Mary's parents fall ill and die, forcing her to be transplanted from India to the English countryside. She arrives at a strange and foreign country manor, where she discovers a long-neglected garden and hears strange sobbing noises at night.
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A young girl is moved to the English countryside where she starts restoring a neglected garden, and uncovers secrets in the process.
Mary's parents fall ill and die, forcing her to be transplanted from India to the English countryside. She arrives at a strange and foreign country manor, where she discovers a long-neglected garden and hears strange sobbing noises at night.
I: There Is No One Left
II: Mistress Mary Quite Contrary
III: Across the Moor
IV: Martha
V: The Cry in the Corridor
VI: "There Was Some One Crying - There Was!"
VII: The Key of the Garden
VIII: The Robin Who Showed the Way
IX: The Strangest House Anyone Ever Lived In
X: Dickon
XI: The Nest of the Missel Thrush
XII: "Might I Have a Bit of Earth?"
XIII: "I Am Colin"
XIV: A Young Rajah
XV: Nest Building
XVI: "I Won't!" Said Mary
XVII: A Tantrum
XVIII: "Tha' Munnot Waste No Time"
XIX: "It Has Come!"
XX: "I Shall Live Forever - and Ever - and Ever!"
XXI: Ben Weatherstaff
XXII: When the Sun Went Down
XXIII: Magic
XXIV: "Let Them Laugh"
XXV: The Curtain
XXVI: "It's Mother!"
XXVII: In the Garden