
by Gustave Flaubert

  • FREE
  • 305 pages
  • Year: 1862
  • ~33h 47m

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A mercenary army, employed by Carthage to fight its wars, rebels after not being paid.


Carthage's struggle - or rather, the struggle of its hired mercenaries - against its enemies in the First Punic War has ended in success. But now the mercenaries are expecting their fee, and Carthage isn't willing or able to cover its debts. Incensed, the mercenaries are easily lead into rebellion by a pair of their own, each of whom have their own reasons to launch an attack. Spendius has escaped from slavery in Carthage and wants nothing more than to land a damaging blow on the mighty city-state, while Matho is besotted with the enigmatic and otherworldly priestess Salammbô.

