Anne of Green Gables
A coming-of-age story of a young girl growing up on a farm on Prince Edward Island.
- 278 pages
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A coming-of-age story of a young girl growing up on a farm on Prince Edward Island.
A Regency-era novel of manners in which five women try to adjust to their new neighbor, an eligible gentleman.
Inflated by his own ambition, Raskolnikov murders a pawnbroker then faces the inevitable consequences.
The story of how four young sisters grow to adulthood.
A young girl is moved to the English countryside where she starts restoring a neglected garden, and uncovers secrets in the process.
A Victorian dandy turns to a life of debauchery after a magical portrait stops him from aging.
An escaped convict steals two candlesticks and uses the proceeds to redeem himself and become an honest man.
Two sisters take long journeys to love in early nineteenth-century England.
A socialite starts an affair with a cavalry officer, against a backdrop of wealthy family life in Imperialist Russia.